CEF Digital References
Sweden / Denmark
North Pole Fiber – 22-EU-DIG-NPF
In a first step, North Pole Fiber (NPF) will link the archipelago of Svalbard to the European mainland via submarine fiber-optic cable. Landfall will be in Norway, and a terrestrial fiber-optic link will connect to Kiruna in Sweden. Svalbard hosts the most significant Arcticresearch cluster worldwide, next to earth-to-satellite stations. The results of scientific research and the satellite images are eagerly awaited in times of climate change – here unhindered and fast communication as offered by NPF can make the difference.
NPF can be extended to Asia, the Global Project, in the second step. The cable will already be configured for this extension and Svalbard is the ideal steppingstone for crossing the Arctic basin in the short weeks of summer. The extension will offer the most direct connection to Asia – avoiding unstable or even hostile regions that compromise the security of today’s data links to Asia.
Toulouse Métropole / Alsatis
Toulouse / France
High Connectivity via 5G – 21-FR-DIG-Hi5
Toulouse Métropole and Alsatis as network provider execute a joint project “High Connectivity via 5G – Hi5” for the introduction of 5G services in the Toulouse metropolitan area, focusing on five use cases with high potential for scaling up:
- “City Services” – enhancing the abilities of authorities in the areas of traffic management and supervision of public space
- “Event Connectivity” – focusing on the need to flexibly deploy recording and communication equipment during outdoor events
- “Mobility Lab” – offering area-wide access to net-based services with ultra high speed for start-ups and small enterprises
- “Education” – taking teaching and academic research at the University of Blagnac to a new level
- “High-speed video data offloading” – making the public transport in the metropolitan area safer and more user friendly
Hi5 is taking the innovation within the metropole area one step further, underlining Toulouse’s standing as leading European technology region. All 5G uses demonstrated have the potential for Europe-wide application.