Connecting European Facilities (CEF)
Connecting European Facilities (CEF) is an european funding programme to boost economic growth, jobs and competitiveness through the investment of european infrastructure in the fields of energy, transport and digitalization. CEF will benefit europeans as it easens transport and makes it more sustainable, as well as it enhances the energy sector through more security and more renewable energy.
CEF2 Call (2021-2027)
The CEF2 Call is aligned very closely with the goals of the Green Deal. Climate protection and sustainability are particularly relevant topics. 60% of the total amount will be awarded to projects that support these climate goals and quickly lead to zero-emission mobility (“zero pollution”). This aims to make the EU the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. In addition to environmental protection, the topic of intelligent mobility and digitalisation (smart mobility) plays a significant role.
CEF2 Transport
For a successful strengthening of the EU as a habitat of over 500 million people in 28 countries, the development of an efficient trans-European transport network for road, rail, water and air is of crucial importance. In 2025, the trans-European transport system will cover 89,500 km of roads and 94,000 km of railways while the number of airports will increase up to approx. 400.
The European Union supports the transportation area and logistics sector through corresponding grants. By means of providing grants, the European Union endeavours to contribute significantly to the improvementof growth potential within the European Community. Read more
CEF2 Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) Blending Call
CEF2 AFIF is boosting the uptake of zero- and low-emission vehicles, vessels and aeroplanes and of renewable and low-carbon fuels in context of the european green deal.
Eligible activities are electricity recharging stations and hydrogen refuelling stations for public transport in TEN-T Urban Nodes, inland waterways, maritime vessels, port vehicles and equipment, airport ground operations as well as publicly accessible stations on TEN-T road network. LNG refuelling stations and LNG bunker vessels supplying inland waterway and maritime vessels are also eligible activities. Read more
CEF2 Digital
CEF2 Digital supports digital connectivity infrastructure projects for the deployment of high-capacity networks. The overall aim is to provide quality access to Gigabit networks, including 5G, to all citizens and facilities such as companies, schools, universities, hospitals, transport hubs, public administrations, independently of their location and economic status in the EU. Applications should support strategic projects with significant benefits for the EU. The focus should be on infrastructure investments that would not be prompted by market forces alone. Read more
CEF2 Energy
In the field of energy, CEF2 Energy Funding Programme supports projects that help to integrate renewable energy sources and improve the security of energy supply. This includes the development of smart grids, interconnections between national energy networks, and the deployment of advanced energy storage systems, as well as gas and cross-border carbon dioxide networks. Read more
Symbios Funding & Consulting GmbH has its core competences in the energy, digital infrastructure and transport sector.