CEF References Rail
Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail
Dublin – Cork / Ireland
Studies for upgrading the Dublin – Cork rail line, including the Limerick branch, which is located on the North Sea – Mediterranean Corridor of the TEN-T Network.
CEF grant: 2.6 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 5.2 mio. Euros
Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail
Dublin / Ireland
Studies to double the track capacity on Dublin Connolly Station – Malahide rail section, which is located on the North Sea – Mediterranean corridor of the TEN-T Network. The project will contribute to future works implementation and traffic flow increase in this important line.
CEF grant: 1.29 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 2.58 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Poland / Germany
Planning and works cross-border section Angermünde (Germany) to Stettin (Poland).
CEF grant: 92.2 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 184.4 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Switzerland / Germany
Extension and new construction of the sub-sections (Karlsruhe–Rastatt-Süd) and (Müllheim–Basel) of the railway line between Karlsruhe and Basel.
CEF grant: 178.3 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 356.5 mio. Euros
Estonia Centre for Defence Investment – CEF Military Mobility
Tapa / Estonia
Enhancing multimodal military mobility in Estonia and improving dual-use transport links to Tapa Army base.
CEF grant: 31.16 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 62.33 mio. Euros
Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail
Rail Freight System for Ireland – Programme Implementation Plan
The overall project has the ambitious goal of shifting up to half of the eligible freight to rail by 2050, in time to make a significant contribution to the climate commitments of the Irish Government.
CEF grant: 2.33 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 4.99 mio. Euros
Tisséo (Transport network of Toulouse)
Toulouse / France
Toulouse Aerospace Express project: studies prior to preparatory works and metro line infrastructure design studies. Construction of a third metro line with a a total length of 27 km and 21 stations.
CEF grant: 11.34 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 22.68 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Hamburg – Bremen / Germany
21-DE-TG-Alpha EB GN 2021
Planning for the Hamburg/Bremen and Hanover rail project, section Langwedel – Uelzen (comprehensive network).
CEF grant: 1.43 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 6.46 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Hagen – Hanau / Germany
Preliminary planning railway line Hagen-Siegen-Hanau.
CEF grant: 16.39 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 32.78 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Stuttgart / Germany
21-DE-TG-ERTMS Stuttgart 2021
Pilot Implementation of First Digital Signalling System in an urban area (DKS – Digital Node Stuttgart).
CEF grant: 59.28 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 64.48 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra / DB Netze
Austria / Germany
21-EU-TG-BBT Northern Access
Studies and Works for the Brenner Northern Access Line to the Brenner Base Tunnel between Munich (Germany) and Radfeld (Austria).
CEF grant: 83.82 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 167.65 mio. Euros
Bahnprojekt Stuttgart-Ulm
Stuttgart / Germany
21-DE-TG-Stuttgart 21.2021
Upgrade and construction of the section Stuttgart-Wendlingen including Stuttgart 21.
CEF grant: 132 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 1,025 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Frankfurt – Mannheim / Germany
21-DE-TG-Frankfurt Mann.2021
The Action covers studies for the construction of a new 60 km long high-speed railway line between Frankfurt and Mannheim and a new about 4 km long railway line section “Wallauer Spange” between Wiesbaden and Frankfurt Airport, connecting to high-speed railway network.
CEF grant: 12.29 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 24.59 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra
Czech Republic / Austria
The measure comprises studies to upgrade the Northern Railway Line on Austrian territory (section Vienna-Süßenbrunn to the Austrian-Czech border at Bernhardsthal) – a section of about 70 km length including17 stations. The proposed studies concern the necessary preparatory steps for the realisation of a high-speed line between Berlin – Prague – Vienna.
CEF grant: 10.85 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 21.69 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra
Hungary / Austria / Slovakia
Study: Passengers from Vienna Airport to Budapest and Bratislava-Petržalka currently have to change trains in Vienna at the main railway station, which is a major detour compared to the direct road connection. The future Airport Link will provide passengers with a fast and direct train connection from Vienna Airport to Budapest Central Station and Bratislava-Petržalka. 5.6 million European citizens could benefit from this connection annually.
CEF grant: 8.77 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 17.55 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Hamburg / Germany
Study: Hamburg’s railway node is heavily overloaded; there is a conflict between rail freight traffic from the Port of Hamburg and long-distance rail passenger traffic. The Wilhelmsburg crossing structure plays a decisive role in this regard for trouble-free traffic management in Hamburg. The planned construction of a a double-track underpass for rail freight traffic is intended to resolve the conflict.
CEF grant: 1.29 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 2.59 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Frankfurt / Germany
Study: With a train volume of approx. 1250 trains per day, the central hub of the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region is already heavily frequented. By 2030, it is expected to be approx. 300 trains more per day. In order to be able to cope with this in the future, the expansion and modernisation of Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof and Frankfurt am Main Süd is necessary.
CEF grant: 2.99 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 5.98 mio. Euros
Upgrade to ERTMS Baseline 3 of 8 locomotives series for the improvement of rail interoperability.
CEF grant: 4.82 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 47.06 mio. Euros
Development of 12 ERTMS Baseline 3 prototypes for the improvement of rail interoperability on 9 TEN-T Corridors.
CEF grant: 7.35 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 14.70 mio. Euros
Bahnprojekt Stuttgart-Ulm
Stuttgart / Germany
Extension and new rail line Stuttgart-Wendlingen including Stuttgart 21.
CEF grant: 64.453 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 214.846 mio. Euros
SNCF – Réseau Ferré de France
Mulhouse / France
Works on the handling of the Mulhouse rail node to improve the North Sea – Mediterranean Corridor.
CEF grant: 13.19 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 43.96 mio. Euros
DB Netze
Czech Republic / Germany
Improvement of the cross-border railway line between Czech Republic and Germany.
CEF grant: 8.154 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 40.770 mio. Euros
RTW Planungsgesellschaft
Frankfurt / Germany
Final planning of the Regionaltangente West (RTW) in Frankfurt am Main.
CEF grant: 27.77 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 55.55 mio. Euros
SNCF – Réseau Ferré de France
Luxembourg / France
Studies on the capacity improvement of the cross-border rail section Metz-Luxembourg.
CEF grant: 1.99 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 3.98 mio. Euros
Land Hamburg / Land Schleswig-Holstein
Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein
Final planning of the new urban railway line S4.
CEF grant: 8.454 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 16.908 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra / DB Netze
Austria / Germany
Studies for the Northern Access Line to the Brenner Base Tunnel between Munich (Germany) and Radfeld (Austria).
CEF grant: 14.32 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 28.64 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra
Hungary / Austria
Upgrade and electrification of the state border next Szentgotthárd/Jennersdorf (Hungary / Austria) – Graz railway line.
CEF grant: 3.25 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 6.50 mio. Euros
ÖBB Infra
Upgrade and electrification of the Wiener Neustadt – state border next Loipersbach-Schattendorf (-Sopron) railway line.
CEF grant: 2.979 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 5.959 mio. Euros
SNCF – Réseau Ferré de France / Grand Est / Land Rheinland-Pfalz
France / Germany
Modernization of the railway section Strasbourg – Lauterbourg.
CEF grant: 4.00 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 8.00 mio. Euros
Karawanken Tunnel – Rail (Study)
Slovenia / Austria
Safety-technical upgrade along the cross-border section between Slovenia and Austria.
CEF grant: 2.97 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 5.94 mio. Euros
Land Hamburg / Land Schleswig-Holstein
Hamburg / Schleswig-Holstein
Planning of the new urban railway line S4.
CEF grant: 5.59 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 11.18 mio. Euros
RTW Planungsgesellschaft
Frankfurt / Germany
Planning of Regionaltangente-West (RTW) in Frankfurt am Main – Improvement of the intermodal link at the core network Airport Frankfurt am Main and associated strain relief of the (city tunnel) bottleneck at the Central Train Station Frankfurt (Main) Hbf in 2014.
CEF grant: 7.98 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 15.36 mio. Euros
SNCF – Réseau Ferré de France
Serqeuex – Gisors / France
EU funding application for the modernization of the railway section Serqueux – Gisors in 2014.
CEF grant: 71 mio. Euros
Total costs of the project: 229.96 mio. Euros