ESG Consulting

ESG (Environmental, Sustainability and Governance) Certification & Consulting

ESG certification is an advantage in demonstrating that a company has implemented key sustainability initiatives and has become a sustainable business.
This has a positive impact not only when seeking investors, but also when applying for funding, giving you a greater chance of success. It also improves your public image and creates greater stakeholder loyalty

SYMBIOS can provide you with an ESG report, but also management and sustainability reports, as well as an investment assessment to assist with obtaining ESG certification.

ESG Finance & Funding Frameworks

Global climate targets and political incentives are supporting the growth of energy-efficient mobility & transport as well as expanding infrastructure for sustainable passenger and freight transport.

A Green Finance & Funding Framework serves as an overarching platform to issue various Green financial & funding instruments. It may be used for Green Bonds, Green Private Placements (e.g. US PP, Euro PP, Schuldschein) or Green Loans in various formats and currencies. In line with your company’s mission statement and sustainability strategy, a Green Finance & Funding Framework will enable you to issue such Green financial instruments to finance, or refinance debt your infrastructure or transport & mobility buisiness. The Green Finance & Funding Framework is presented through the following four core components in accordance with the ICMA, LMA, LSTA, APLMA and the EU Taxonomie:

  1. Use of proceeds
  2. Process for project evaluation and selection
  3. Management of proceeds
  4. Reporting

SYMBIOS will identify the candidate projects based on the eligibility criteria and design the Green Finance & Funding Framework. Through the process of creating Green Finance & Funding Frameworks, SYMBIOS takes care to promote your ESG initiatives to realize what sustainable business aims to be, towards all the stakeholders including customers, local community, investors and employees.