Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe LogoHorizon Europe is the successor of the EU funding programme Horizon 2020. The mission of  Horizon Europe is to support through funding research and innovation with clear targets. The funding is intended to help boost Europe´s knowledge-driven economy, and tackle issues that will make a difference in people´s lives.

The program aims to support scientific excellence and address societal challenges, such as climate change, digital transformation, and health. The program is structured into five mission areas:


  • Adaptaion to climate change including societal transformation
  • Cancer
  • Climate-neutral and smart cities
  • Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
  • Soil health and food

Horizon Europe provides funding opportunities for researchers, universities, research organizations, companies, and other stakeholders across Europe and beyond. Funding opportunities range from individual grants to collaborative research projects, as well as support for innovation and commercialization activities. The program also aims to promote open science and innovation, as well as gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in research and innovation.

As Symbios Funding & Consulting GmbH has it´s core competences in the energy and transport sector, we focus our consulting services on calls about smart, green and integrated transport, associated to the pillar Societal Challenges.

EU Funding Landscape