LIFE Program References

Budapest Airport / Dubrovnik Airport / Madrid Airport / Venice Airport

Hungary / Croatia / Spain / Italy

Budapest Airport Logo
Dubrovnik Airport Logo
Madrid Airport Logo
Venice Airport Logopng

LIFE -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle waste at airports – LIFE TRIPL-AIR

Four major airports from four different European countries, Budapest (Hungary), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Madrid (Spain), and Venice (Italy), join forces to address one of the main ecological impacts of global aviation – airport waste. LIFE TRIPL-AIR stands for reducing, reusing, and recycling of airport waste and the consortium stands for the ambitious goals of reducing communal waste by a combination of innovative technologies and processes by 70% and reducing construction waste by better reuse and new building management principles by 90%.

Ecoscience Provence (France) joined the consortium as scientific advisor, Venetian Cluster (Italy) joined the consortium for replicationand dissemination of the results. Both are seasoned experts in their respective field with proven track record of similar projects.

During the project phase, the four partner airports will implement and assess the pilot actions. In the next phase, within three years after project end, successful technologies and processes will be replicated at the sister airports in the shareholdings of the airports of Budapest (AviAlliance), Madrid (AENA), and Venice (Gruppo Save). In this step, the positive results of LIFE TRIPL-AIR will reach 100 affiliated airports in Europe and worldwide.

LIFE TRIPL-AIR offers the unique opportunity to reduce the ecological impact of aviation and at the same time to disseminate the findings worldwide. LIFE TRIPL-AIR will actively engage with the 70 million passengers and crew traveling through the partner airports every year to more than 100 countries.

Life grant: 3.17 mio. Euros

Total costs of the project: 5.28 mio. Euros