European Missing Links
Missing links are missing railway connections among European states.
Most of the smaller railway border crossings are not part of the Trans-European Network (TEN-T) and are therefore barely supported financially. A missing link between two border regions is not necessarily due to a lack of infrastructure, sometimes there is simply an insufficient offer.
In order to establish new rail connections, local, regional and national actors in particular are an important driving force.
Reliable and well-developed local transport services in border regions are important. It contributes to the quality of life of the inhabitants of the border region in the long term.
It not only improves the quality of life of cross-border commuters, but also enhances local economic and tourism activities.
Eurodistrict Pamina
France / Germany
Since 2017 we have been supporting the Eurodistrict in the cross-border project Rastatt – Hagenau.
It was successfully included in the EU list of Missing Links, and further political steps.